Creating a component
You can create multiple components inside of a single project. Each component that you create ties to a repository in a one to one relationship. When you configure a component to a repository, you are indicating that that repository houses the code to build that component. By abstracting components and repositories, you can structure your code repo any way you want. You could have multiple code repositories each corresponding to a single component, or you could have one repository that builds all of your different components. This unopinionated way of building projects allows us to handle any structure for your project.
When you create a component, you can decide what repo is ties to. There are also environment multiselects that can configure both default deployed environments and also environments which cannot be deployed. These options are discussed in more detail below.
What are builds?
A Build is the configuration that ties the Component to the Jobs that the component is derived from.
Creating Builds
When you create/edit a Build, you can configure a build job, build identity, and deploy job. When a Job becomes tied to a Build this way, it will no longer appear in the project overview task list. Instead, these become the jobs that drive the project overview
Default Deployed Build
A default deployed build is the build that is selected to be deployed when running a deployment against an environment. It is possible to create multiple builds from multiple branches in a repository. When you want to deploy a build to a particular environment automatically, this is the build that will be selected and deployed.
Default/Never Deployed Environments
A default deployed environment is an environment or collection of environments that will have the deploy jobs run on any successful completion of a build. This will let you deploy builds as soon as the complete, rather then having to depoy the build manually when builds finish.
A never deployed environment will remove that option to deploy from the Project Overview screen. One may wish to have a never employed environment for components that dont need to run across the entire Environment constellation.